Wasatiyyah Islam in The Pesantren Islamic Education Tradition Framework

Mohammad, Hasan (2018) Wasatiyyah Islam in The Pesantren Islamic Education Tradition Framework. KARSA, 02 (02). 177 -194. ISSN 2442-3289

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Abstract Islamic boarding schools are religious institutions that not only teach religious problems to santri, but also relate to the role of porndok pesantren on community empowerment. Islamic boarding schools also have a role in national politics. In this context the role of the pesantren in dialogue and contextualizing Islamic teachings is not rigid and black and white. But Islamic boarding schools are able to display the teachings of Islam that are harmonious, peaceful, tolerant, and not radical. Islamic understanding initiated by Islamic boarding schools is far from the values of radical doctrines, or easy doctrine to state ‘heresy’ to other groups. This becomes the view and value championed by the pesantren community including the role of the Kiai (Islamic clergy) in developing modern and global life. [Pondok pesantren merupakan lembaga keagamaan yang tidak hanya mengajarkan masalah keagamaan kepada santri, tetapi juga berkaitan dengan peranan porndok pesantren terhadap pemberdayaan masyarakat. Pondok pesantren juga memiliki peran dalam politik nasional. Dalam konteks ini peranan pesantren dalam mendialogkan dan menkontekstualisasikan ajaran-ajaran Islam yang tidak kaku dan hitamputih. Namun pondok pesantren mampu menampilkan ajaran Islam yang harmonis, penuh kedamaian, toleran, dan tidak radikal. Pemahaman Islam yang digagas oleh pesantren jauh dari nilai-nilai

Item Type: Article
Subjects: ?? m52A ??
?? m_052 ??
Divisions: Jurnal > KARSA (Journal of Social and Islamic Culture)
Depositing User: Administrator Khazanah
Date Deposited: 24 Feb 2021 02:55
Last Modified: 29 Sep 2021 03:31
URI: http://repository.iainmadura.ac.id/id/eprint/329

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